What is The Movement Program? The Movement Program is a sequence of progressive movements over a 12 week period. Research results have shown significant improvement in reading age, academic performance, and English exam results, as well as balance, coordination and the inhibition of primitive reflexes.

The Movement Program is normally USD$249.95 but if you click on the discount button to the left, you will get a 10% discount making it $224.95!
That’s only $3.75 a day!
It is common that individuals with autism have retained primitive reflexes. These are reflexes (involuntary movements in existence from birth) that are necessary for survival. During the course of infancy, these reflexes integrate and are replaced with controlled movements and higher cortical functions.
When reflexes are not integrated into the sensory system, it can present challenges in all types of learning. Different reflexes relate to certain functions and when impeded, present as learning difficulties.
According to Gieysztor EZ et al in their research study in 2018 “Retained primitive reflexes can disturb natural development and involve difficulties in social and educational children’s life. They can also impact on psychomotor development. Mature responses in a child’s psychomotor progress can only occur if the central nervous system itself has reached maturity.”
It can disturb or inhibit the natural progression of learning but can also be the root cause of certain behaviors such as (but not limited to):
Retained Reflexes Can Inhibit: | Retained Reflexes Can Cause: |
* Handwriting | * Hyperactivity |
* Coordination | * Impulsivity |
* Posture | * Aggression |
* Sitting (eg W sitting position) | * Developmental Delays |
* Muscle Tone | * Anxiety |
* Motor Function | * Fear |
* Keeping place when copying | * Anchoring of feet behind chair when sitting |
* Social Behavior and Skills | * ADD/ADHD characteristics |
* Balance | * Focusing Issues |
* Understanding a sense of time | * Toe Walking |
* Healthy Self Esteem | * Motion Sickness |
* Sequencing Skills | * Poor Stamina |
* Catching or Tracking a Ball | * Messy Eating |
* Reading | * Poor Concentration |
* Hand/Eye Coordination | * Fidgety or Wiggle Behavior, especially when sitting |
* Learning to ride a Bicycle | * Bed Wetting |
The easiest and most simple way we have found over the years for children to integrate primitive reflexes is by using a program designed in the UK where they follow along to videos of other children doing the movements. The program runs for 12 weeks, 5 days a week for about 20 minutes and integrates a number of the most common retained primitive reflexes. It is done in the privacy of your own home and with no specialized equipment needed.
Here is a video of the first day of the first week so you can see what the program is all about. It is as simple as logging in and following along.
While these reflexes are generally integrated by about 1 year of age, people with autism often struggle with these primitive reflexes being retained and, as a result, need help to manually integrate them at a later stage.
The Movement Program provides an easy-to-follow program with daily videos for you and your child to follow along with. Each daily video (5 days a week) takes 20 minutes and can be done without specialized equipment and in the comfort of your home.

The Movement program takes the guess work out of what exercises to do for which child. Just complete the program and you will find a number of primitive reflexes will be addressed. For those reflexes that may not be integrated yet, you will find your child will struggle with those movements more than others.
This is completely normal and the program is designed to gradually integrate them and you will notice over time those movements become more smooth.
Information at a glance:

- Recommended for children 8 – 13 years (but we have also used it successfully with children 7 – 15 years)
- 12 weeks in total
- 1 x 20 minute video 5 days a week
- Normally USD$249.95, your discount is $224.95
- No specialized equipment needed
- Integrates the major retained reflexes that affect learning and reading
- 10+ years of research
TMP draws on many areas of movement and development. There are many different programs using movement to improve development and learning. Most of them such as Move to Learn, focus upon one particular area of development.
Once a certain program is completed, there can be many areas that still require attention. For example, if primitive reflexes can be integrated, we still need to consider higher levels of development such as:-
- Bi-lateral and cross lateral integration
- Gross and fine motor skill development
- Beat competency and rhythm training
- Sequencing of information for motor and cognitive skill development
- Visual motor improvements
- Vestibular and proprioceptive development
- Relaxation and stress reduction
- Working memory
- Sensory Processing and integration

(Weschler Objective Reading Dimensions (WORD) Basic words)

The Movement Program works with the main identified reflexes that prevent learning and is a holistic, drug free developmental program with these key differences: –
1. Delivery by streaming video with a specific order of delivery through the 12 weeks
2. Each week becomes developmentally more progressive
3. ABC design – Warm up each day, followed by specific developmental areas, then a relaxing sequence
4. Easy to implement at home or school. Only requires a chair and enough room to lift your leg and arm.
5. The 15-20 minute program consists of many different areas of movement, rhythm and other developmental sequences that cover a wide range of skills for improved cognitive function, reading success, learning and movement.
8. Target age range is around 8 – 13 years although is also used with older children with complex needs and has been used with children as young as 7 years.